Adding OGC Web Services Layers


The goal is to provide access to the available map web services standards as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) 

So far, you can add map layers from public servers for the following services types

In general, these map images are fetched into the Mapping app as map tiles images that would show as overlays on top of the base map

The content of these map services could go from anything to everything, including but not limited to historical cartography, administrative boundaries at different levels, current weather information, oceanographic profiles and much more

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the information, configuration, availability, reliability or performance of any of these public map services

OGC:WMS layer preferences

First, enable the OGC:WMS layer feature under the add-on Preferences > Layers > OGC:WMS, then set the options

WMS layers on the Mapping app

The first partial map screenshot is showing a WMS image for land cover in the L48 (USA) as 2019, where

The other two screenshots are showing WMS images from

OGC:WMTS layer preferences

First, enable the OGC:WMTS layer feature under the add-on Preferences > Layers > OGC:WMS, then set the options

WMTS layers on the Mapping app