Adding OGC Web Services Layers
The goal is to provide access to the available map web services standards as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
So far, you can add map layers from public servers for the following services types
Web Map Service (WMS) for serving georeferenced map images directly from a geographic information system (GIS) database
Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) for serving pre-rendered (cached) map tile images
In general, these map images are fetched into the Mapping app as map tiles images that would show as overlays on top of the base map
The content of these map services could go from anything to everything, including but not limited to historical cartography, administrative boundaries at different levels, current weather information, oceanographic profiles and much more
Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the information, configuration, availability, reliability or performance of any of these public map services
OGC:WMS layer preferences
First, enable the OGC:WMS layer feature under the add-on Preferences > Layers > OGC:WMS, then set the options
URL: Full https path to the WMS server
Layers: Name of the layers to show as CSV list
Zoom (minimum & maximum): zoom range where the WMS layer is shown on the map; in most cases these zoom levels are ignored
WMS layers on the Mapping app
The first partial map screenshot is showing a WMS image for land cover in the L48 (USA) as 2019, where
Layers: mrlc_display:NLCD_2019_Land_Cover_L48
The other two screenshots are showing WMS images from
GEBCO colour-shaded topography/bathymetry
NOAA NWS radar base reflectivity with 3-color bands
OGC:WMTS layer preferences
First, enable the OGC:WMTS layer feature under the add-on Preferences > Layers > OGC:WMS, then set the options
Type: TileURL or TileJSON depending on availability
URL: Full https path to the WMTS server
Layers: Name of the layers to show as CSV list
Scheme: Depends on the tiles row/column order ({z}/{x}/{y} or {z}/{y}/{x})
TileJSON is not OGC standard but readily available and easier to use
URL: Full https path to fetch the TileJSON file
Opacity: The filling opacity (from 0 to 1) will determine the transparency of this layer, associated with its color intensity
WMTS layers on the Mapping app
The first partial map screenshot is showing the USGS Hydro Cached using
Tile URL: to the default WMTS server
Layers: GoogleMapsCompatible
Scheme: {z}/{y}/{x}
The other two partial map screenshots are showing the NOAA imagery using
Tile JSON URL: to NOAA IAN Hurricane imagery for several days